Unit 3 Review Worksheet Part 1 the French Revolution Answer Key
Unit of measurement 3: Age of Revolutions 1750-1914Standards Met American Revolution Day 42 (11/1/2016) - Trick Shots: Not looking at Trash Tin can and shoot backwards -Finish PBA Section of Enlightenment Test -When Finished Begin Mission-U.Due south.org: For Crown or Colony Mean solar day 43 (11/2/2016) - (2 Hr Delay PD Day) Play a joke on Shots: Backside the Back -Switch Seats using ABCYA Random Proper name Picker -Continue Mission U.S. Simulation -Add Mission U.S. smart word to quizlet -Brainstorm Watching Causes of American Revolution Brainpop Video Mean solar day 44 (xi/iii/2016) - Trick Shots: Not Dominate Hand -Free Write on what they've learned from Mission U.S. -Use Free Write for Speed Dating Exercise -End Watching Causes of American Revolution Brainpop Video - Showtime Road to Revolution PDF Notes Twenty-four hour period 45 (xi/4/2016) - Trick Shots: Under the Leg -Watch CNN Student News -Play Icivics.org Win the White Firm Day 46 (11/seven/2016) - Mannequin Claiming -Spotter Channel 1 News to Ready for Ballot Day -Become Social Studies Go (Trouble over Taxes) Day 47 (xi/eight/2016) - Kodak Moment -Sentry Channel 1 News to Prepare for Election Day -Expect at Trends for Voters -To Belatedly to Apologize Declaration edition -Continue Road to Revolution Notes: Stamp Deed Day 48 (11/ix/2016) - Day After the Presidential Election -Diving Balance Claiming -CNN Educatee News Solar day after Election Coverage -Color in Balloter Map Day 49 (eleven/ten/2016) - Shoe me who you are -Picket 1st Part of Brainpop Declaration of Independence Video -Comic Strip Generator.com : Create 3 box comic of Announcement Line of 1763, Saccharide Act, or Quartering Act -GOUSHISTORYGO.COM (TROUBLE OVER TAXES) *Pour Some Sugar Revenue enhancement on Me -Proceed Road to Revolution Notes PDF Twenty-four hour period 50 (11/11/2016) - Veterans Day * Safe Ring Shoot into cup -Friday Story -GOUSHISTORYGO.COM (Trouble OVER TAXES) *NO TAXATIONS WITHOUT REPRESENTATION -Classtools.internet Headline Generator: Over stamp deed and bonfires -Wait at Paul Revers Painting of Boston Massacre and discuss bias -Picket John Adams Documentary : Boston Massacre Clip 24-hour interval 51 (eleven/14/2016) - Condom Band Shoot Around thumb and pinky -Rewatch Brainpop Causes of American Revolution Video: -Road to Revolution PDF Notes: Townshend Acts -Play Mission U.Due south. For Crown of Colony Mission 4: Boston Massacre -Read Boston Massacre on Goushistorygo.com Day 51 (11/14/2016) - Walk Like Me -Boston Massacre PDF and respective Questions -THINGLINK PROJECT FOR BOSTON MASSACRE -GOUSHISTORYGO --> Boston Massacre for more than data virtually the skirmish at the Barber shop which helped excite the riot. Day 52 (xi/16/2016) - FOG DAY / NO School -Twenty-four hours 53 (11/17/2016) - Fast Fingers (Count Them All Upwards) -Socrative Road to Revolution Quiz (#1 Will exist teacher pb, the rest of the package volition be grouping work) Twenty-four hours 54 (11/18/2016) - Just Tap It In -Watch American Revolution Brainpop Video -Create Your Own American Revolution Video Game using xbox 360 or PS4 template -Proceed Boston Massacre Multiple Perspective Primary Source Activity Day 55 (eleven/21/2016) - Human Bowling -GOUSHISTORYGO.com (American Revolution + Declaring Independence) -Brainpop Declaration of Independence movie -Lego Builder Recreate Independence Hall with an online Lego Simulation Day 56 (eleven/22/2016) - Are you a Buckeye or Wolverine -Friday Story -Work Day on Creating Your Own Declaration of Independence in 2016 language -Finish Boston Massacre Primary Source Packets -Finish Independence Lego Project Twenty-four hour period 57 (xi/28/2016) - Alphabet Thankfulness -Thomas Jefferson Brainpop Video -Youtube Celebrities reading Declaration of Independence Day 58 (11/29/2016) - Stand up Go Up -Quizlet Review Terms before test / provide students with link and then play match and gravity -ODE Ascent of Revolutions Lesson Attachment A and D Day 58 (eleven/30/2016) - Sick Day to take my Meaning Married woman to the Doctor 1.) Look at examples of final year's pupil work Scratch Projects of the Boston Tea Party as examples (there are 3 videos posted below) 2.) Use the link to go to scratch.mit.edu and log into your business relationship. If yous cannot log in so please recreate a new account. 3. Utilize Scratch to recreate your ain version of the Boston Tea Party. Please get in as historically authentic equally possible. 4.) If y'all become washed with time to spare delight work on your Written report Guide as we will test when I return. Day 59 (12/i/2016) - Crab Races -Road to Revolution Test FRENCH REVOLUTION Day threescore (12/2/2016) - Funny Photograph Berth Pics -Friday Story (TEEPEEING STORY) --Brainpop French Revolution -Go Social Studies Get MarieAntoniette Mean solar day 61 (12/5/2016) - Ah, Um Game Talk about a topic without using Ah, Um, Like, or Ya Know ex. what would y'all do with 10,000 dollars. -MyTrading Cards.com (FRENCH REVOLUTION KEY FIGURES) -French Revolution Documentary from history.com -Create a Royal Nuptials Invitation Solar day 62 (12/6/2016) -Elf Yourself -Create King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette Elf Yourself Video -French Revolution Video Guide Questions 1-iii -Keep Watching History.com French Revolution Video Day 63 (12/7/2016) - Sub Programme for Professional Development -seven Mindsets Conference -French Revolution Webquest Mean solar day 64 (12/viii/2016) - Minute to Win Information technology: Back Flip -Employ French Revolution Topics for Poster Activity Group Work Day 65- (12/9/2016) Minute to Win It: Back flip for those who take non gone yet -Fri Story (Full Court Shot) -Proceed Group French Revolution Poster Projection -Have Webquest Mail Quiz until yous get the score you want Solar day 66 (ii Hour Delay Snow) - (12/12/2016) Minute to Win It: Defying Gravity with iii Balloons -History Aqueduct French Revolution Video Guide / Discussion Questions 4-7 GoSocialStudiesGo -Twister Tweet about who eats white and dark-brown breadstuff during French Revolution -Youtube Video of historians who spend a week living the life of King Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette. They eat meals like they would take in the 1780's. This symbolizes the ridiculous privilege of the rich and how resource were unevenly distributed. Mean solar day 67 (12/thirteen/2016) - Minute to Win It Caddy Stack -Purple Breakfast Recipe for French Revolution Time Menses Go Social Studies Go : French Revolution -UCL Museum Collections: French Revolutions iii Estates Worksheet Day 68 (12/14/2016) - Infinitesimal to Win It: Nose Dive -Pass Out 1st Semester Exam Written report Guides -Go Social Studies GO: Overthrowing the Monarch Continue Watching History Channel French Revolution Documentary segment on the Lawn tennis Court Oath. Twenty-four hours 69 (12/15/2016) - Minute to Win Information technology: Suck information technology Up -Create Penzu Account (Digital Journal) -Scout Horrible Histories French Revolution Wife Bandy -Create A Periodical Entry that details five things you learned from the clip Get Social Studies GO (French Revolution: Overthrowing the Monarchy) -Youtube Video Overthrowing the Bastille -Create Google Drawing of Storming of Bastille Twenty-four hours 70 (12/16/2016) - Minute to Win Information technology: Noodling Around -Keep History Channel: French Revolution Documentary -Go Social Studies Become: French Revolution (A NEW GOVERNMENT) -Listen to French National Anthem -T Chart Worksheet Comparison French National Anthem to U.Due south. National Anthem Day 71 (12/19/2016) - Kahoot 1st Semester Exam Review -Review Basketball / Work on Study Guide Day 71 (12/20/2016) - Final Exam Day (1,3,five) 24-hour interval 72 (12/21/2016) - Concluding Examination Day (ii,4,6) Day 73 (12/22/2016) - (Absent due to my offset son Landon being built-in) Career Fair Day / Last Day before Christmas Break Day 74 (i/2/2016) - Absent-minded due to my son's first Doctor's Appointment Please start by working with a partner to complete the French Revolution Worksheet and answering the 4 Questions under the Task Section. When done identify back in classroom. Day 75 (one/3/2017) -Minute to Win It: This Blows -Become To mystorybook.com and create an account. -Begin by Creating an Blithe Student Book about the French Revolution with encompass and appropriate information and pictures Day 75 (1/4//2016) - Minute to Win It: Chandelier -Evidence Fish Ladies Pause In, in History Channel Documentary; Add Slide to Mystorybook.com -Add Slide to My Storybook.com of Escape Endeavour. -Read Get Social Studies Go: Guillotine of the King Day 76 (1/5/2016) - Minute to Win Information technology: Moving On Up -VIsta Impress Executioner Business Card -Prove King Louis XVI Execution on History Channel Documentary -Add together to Mystorybook.com -Show Marie Antoinette Execution on History Channel Documentary -Read Execution of Marie on GoSocialStudies Go Day 78 (1/6/2017) - Kill a Word Snow Ball Activity -Fri Story (Jennifer Nettles) -Finish Mystorybook.com French Revolution Children'due south Book -Watch Napoleon Bonaparte Brainpop Video -Take Napoleon Bonaparte Group Quiz Twenty-four hour period 79 (1/9/2017) - MAKE It HAPPEN Cartoon SUBWAY GIFT Card GIVEAWAY -Kahoot French Revolution Review -Begin French Revolution DVD Encompass activeness Day eighty (one/10/2017) - School Cancelled due to Ice and Snow Day 81 (one/11/2017) - Minute to Win Information technology: Ruler of the Globe * Need ruler and marbles Students Take FRENCH REVOLUTION MULTIPLE CHOICE AND PBA TEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Mean solar day 82 (i/12/2017) - No Hook Today *Begin past discussing the domino theory of the Am. Revolution and French Revolution causing more than revolts and revolutions around the world, specifically Latin America. Read Revolutions TCI Certificate. *Take students take Pre Assessment at http://world wide web.bbc.co.u.k./pedagogy/guides/zvmv4wx/revision *Picket Industrial Revolution Brainpop Video *Read Revise section of Industrial Revolution at http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zvmv4wx/revision *Students complete interactive drag and drop nether activity tab. Day 83 (1/13/2017) - Infinitesimal to Win Information technology: Sticky Balls -Read TCI Ch. 16 Section ane: Industrial Revolution -Classtools.internet: Lights Out activity of James Watt and the Steam Engine Monday 1/16/2017 - NO SCHOOL Day 84 (1/17/2017) - *1st Solar day of second Semester -Change Seats using grade tools fruit auto. -Minute to Win It: Don't Blow the Jocker -Brainpop: Assembly Line Video -Charlie Chaplin: Assembly Line Video Manufactory Work -Begin Instagram Assignment: Left Side- Instagram post about 19th Century Pollution and Industrialization -Watch Clip from CNN 10 virtually Pollution in 2017 in the China Metropolis of Beijing -Tomorrow Students will make full out Right Side of Instagram Template regarding Global Warming and the Pollution situation in the Now. Day 85 (eleven/eighteen/2017) - *Sub Plan due to Professional person Development coming together for Value Added -Infinitesimal to Win It: Tilt a Loving cup -Stop Instagram Template comparison the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s to People's republic of china's Beijing Pollution in 2017 -Read Ch. 16 TCI Section 2: Swell Uk Leads The Way in The Industrial Revolution. Day 86 (ane/19/2017) - Infinitesimal to Win Information technology: Bouncer -Create Industrial Revolution Digital Scrapbook Day 87 (1/20/2017) - Vacation Day to Spend Time with my married woman and son ***SUB PLAN*** ane.) Open the Industrial Revolution Webquest assignment. Click on the hyperlinks and read about the Inventions during the Industrial Revolution. Utilize the data to answer the corresponding questions. Day 88 (1/23/2017) - Minute to Win It: Bridge the Gap -Penzu: Bellringer Ch. sixteen Department 1 Respective Questions using Art Panels from TCI Subscription Brain pop: Agricultural Revolution Video ***Add to Industrial Revolution Digital Scrapbook Industrial Revolution Group, Inventor Project with Poster Activeness Day 90 (one/25/2017) - Minute to Win it: Egg Dance ***Spotter Brainpop: History of the Railroad Video **Work Time on Industrial Revolution Invention Project / Poster. Day 90 (1/26/2017) - Infinitesimal to Win It: Belly Span *Review Railroad History ***Brainpop: Thomas Edison Video Have Brainpop Quiz Quizlet Vocabulary Terms Day 91 (1/27/2017) - Minute to Win It: Egg Roll Students were given missing assignment reports and had to complete tasks otherwise their parents would be notified. Students also had the entire menstruum to end the Industrial Revolution Invention Projects and Posters. Twenty-four hours 92 (1/30/2017) - Minute to Win It: Junk in the Trunk ****Brainy Quotes of Industrial Revolution Using POST Information technology Activity on Classtools.cyberspace ****Add together to Quizlet Industrial Revolution Terms ***Read and complete Chart for Ch. 16 Section 3: The Revolution Spreads *****TCI Cognition Matrix Questions for sections ane-3 ***Add Bessemer Procedure to Industrial Revolution Digital Scrapbook Day 93 (1/31/2017)- Minute to Win It: Banana Swing or Don't Driblet the Banana *****Industrial Revolution Give-and-take Cloud ***Add Quizlet Industrial Revolution Vocab **Play Quizlet Review Game ***TCI Idea MATRIX Section ii ****Begin Industrial Revolution Guided Notes 24-hour interval 94 (2/1/2017) - ii 60 minutes Delay Professional Evolution Schedule -Infinitesimal to Win It: Egg Waiter -Continue Industrial Revolution Guided Notes ****Create Help Wanted Advertizement for Manufactory Worker during Industrial Revolution ****Student Case: ***Goushistorygo.com (Industrial Revolution) : Life in the Mills Twenty-four hours 95 (2/2/2017) - Took my married woman to a medico's date ***Non AT Schoolhouse*** Students I will not be at schoolhouse today. Please work on these items during class: two.) Finish Reading Goushistorygo (Industrial Revolution: Within the Mills) 3.) Group work on Ch. 16 Department iv: Economic Transformation (read and consummate activities /questions) Day 96 (2/iii/2017): Minute to win It: Banana Fishing *Friday Story (pooped pants) *Industrial Revolution Kahoot Review **Cease Industrial Revolution Due east scrapbook Day 97 (two/half-dozen/2017)- Infinitesimal to Win It: Assistant Bounciness *Industrial Revolution Multiple Pick Test Day 98 (2/seven/3017): 2 Hour Filibuster : Fog Minute to Win It: Egg Race **Industrial Revolution Ch. 16 PBA |
Source: https://sites.google.com/a/ayersvillepilots.org/mr-freshour-s-social-studies/unit-3--age-of-revolutions-1750-1914
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