Always Sunny in Philadelphia Clown Baby T Shirt
Charles "Charlie" Kelly is the janitor of Paddy'due south Pub. He is a member of the Gang that works at the bar, and is considered the "wild carte" of the group. Charlie is best friends with Dennis and Mac, knowing the latter since childhood. He shares an apartment with Frank Reynolds, who was formerly believed to be his biological father. Charlie is a co-possessor of Paddy's Pub, but he sold about of his shares to Dennis and Mac for, among other things, half a sandwich ("The Gang Sells Out"). The most tedious and icky janitorial tasks at the bar are referred to as Charlie Work, even when Charlie is temporarily spared from performing them.
Charlie is known for his illiteracy, his habit of slipping into a variety of characters for his various schemes, and his never catastrophe obsession with The Waitress (until season 12 episode 10, "Dennis' Double Life" when he finds out what it's like existence in a human relationship with her. After they break up, he continues his obsession). Although he is past most respects the stupidest member of the Gang, he is capable of rare, impressive moments of brilliance, particularly with music and engineering complex social schemes.
Charlie is portrayed by Charlie Day.
- i Physical appearance
- two Personality
- 2.i Intelligence
- 2.ii Delusions of grandeur
- two.3 Characters
- 2.4 Schemes
- 2.five Patriotism
- 2.6 Religion
- 3 Early on life
- iii.1 Parentage
- 3.two Other family
- iii.three Schooling
- 4 Skills and abilities
- 4.i Musical skills
- 5 Weaknesses
- 6 Relationships
- 6.1 Romantic
- 6.2 Bangs
- 6.iii Self-love
- vi.4 Legal
- vii Appearances
- 8 Trivia
- 9 Images
- 10 Meet Besides
Physical appearance [ ]

Charlie's signature attire
Physically, Charlie is a man of short stature; being the shortest member of the Gang until Frank'south arrival, something he is self witting most. He has dark-green optics, and unkempt pilus, as well as a scruffy bristles. He is on the thin side, though Dee considers him fat, ("Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Donkey") and he in one case described himself as the "funny fat friend."("Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead")
Charlie has horrible personal hygiene, due to only bathing with a sink ("Charlie Gets Crippled") on a non-regular basis ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"). Other characters often comment on his aroma and fifty-fifty claim to see lice. Charlie poorly denies it when confronted, and shows no qualms with wearing the same clothes, often filthy from work, for days. Many people, himself included, have claimed he sweats significantly more than than the average person.
He mainly wears erstwhile secondhand T-shirts, some more than notable ones existence shirts for "Magna", "San Juan, Washington", "O'Keefe Brewery", and "Eleven Point River". In earlier seasons he wore short sleeve polo shirts as well. For pants he wears baggy ripped jeans, and has a pair of beige khaki cutoffs for shorts. His most iconic and oft worn article of wear, however, is his green army fatigue shirt-jacket with the specialty marker of a United States Navy Aviation Electronics Technician and a Ruptured Duck patch, which gets more bedraggled and ripped as the testify goes on until he patches the holes in The Gang Goes to Ireland. He has also worn his grey MacGregor hoodie since 1998, and began wearing a black and red Adidas track jacket with a VA-65 Tigers patch from season 2 on; these iii remain constant staples of his wardrobe and serve as an instance of Charlie'due south poverty.
A normally seen outfit is his "bird law" lawyer get up; a short sleeve push up, clip on tie, and beige khakis. For nicer occasions such equally a dinner to Guigino'due south or a high school reunion, he wears a white dress shirt and over-sized corduroy blazer along with his jeans and sneakers.
Charlie has a tattoo on his left forearm which says "BAD NEW", done by himself with ink and a newspaper clip to look more than "hard" in "Dennis and Dee Go a New Dad". Presumably it was meant to say "BAD NEWS", merely was interrupted before information technology could exist completed or more likely he misspelled it.
Charlie'due south main shoes are a pair of suede high top Vans with reddish soles and linings, which he seemingly wears no matter the occasion. Given his business concern that Dee's size thirteen anxiety (size 11 in men'southward) will stretch his sneakers out, his shoe size is probable a x.5 at most.("Thunder Gun Limited")
Charlie's signature attire is his pajamas: a holey blackness t-shirt depicting a shiny black horse, and an old pair of long thermal underwear paired with old schoolhouse basketball game socks. This is due to his apartment non having estrus, causing a drop in temperature at night. ("Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life")
Personality [ ]
Intelligence [ ]
Like the others, Charlie possesses several narcissistic characteristics. He never admits ignorance on any bailiwick, despite beingness ignorant of only about everything, and oftentimes acts like he knows better than others. He tends to try and demonstrate his knowledge by throwing out terms associated with the bailiwick in question, or but mirroring what other people are saying, without any real understanding.
When called out on his painfully obvious illiteracy and general lack of intelligence, he gets incredibly defensive and angry. He also has a trouble with authority, and oftentimes ignores the gang'due south attempts to control his dysfunctional beliefs. He besides appears to have pica, consuming objects such every bit pigment, cat food, and wolf hair.
Though his general intelligence, logic and grip on reality seem to be sorely scarce, Charlie is really one of the most socially skilled and aware members of the gang, though this is not saying much. He ofttimes displays a greater awareness of, and concern for, social taboos, such as what is racist or anti-Semitic, than other members of the gang, particularly Mac and Dee. He likewise has a talent for manipulating other people when he puts his listen to it (chief examples being his intricate, Machiavellian schemes in Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom and Charlie and Dee Observe Dearest), suggesting he possesses the swell psychological insight required to do and so, thus causing many to ask how smart Charlie truly is.
Delusions of grandeur [ ]
Whenever the Gang begins a new scheme, Charlie often expects to be placed in a position of say-so, such as existence Dennis's campaign director in "The Gang Runs for Office" or existence captain of the gunkhole in "The Gang Buys a Boat", despite beingness woefully unsuited for them.
When denied something he wants, he will usually attempt to get information technology anyway through cant and manipulation, never taking responsibleness for the havoc he ever causes every bit a issue. This is near notably seen in his (oftentimes criminal) persistence to woo The Waitress, who refuses to requite him the time of day. Fifty-fifty when directly told his ideas are wrong or bad, he refuses to exit them backside, oftentimes attempting a compromise or outright denying his errors - for example, when told that the twist in The Sixth Sense was non that the chief character was played by Bruce Willis, he tried to claim that the film had multiple twists. ("Mac and Charlie Write a Movie")
Similar Dennis, Charlie'southward delusions of superiority and emotional volatility seem to cover up a deep-seated sense of shame and low self-esteem. His fits of rage oft spring upwardly when he senses he is being attacked, wronged or not listened to. The asymmetric corporeality of anger and the lengths Charlie goes to avenge himself against slights real and imagined suggest that on a subconscious level he is miserably aware and aback of his failings, and hates to be reminded of it.
Characters [ ]

"Hoss Bonaventure" from "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis"
Charlie has a trend to dress up equally characters and lose himself in fantasies based on movies he's seen. In some cases, a subtle reference to a movie is made without Charlie explicitly referencing the character. He has dressed up and pretended to be the post-obit characters:
- Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic from Born on the Quaternary of July ("Charlie Gets Crippled")
- Corruption-fighting police officer Serpico played by Al Pacino ("Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City")
- Musician Bob Dylan when getting set to perform a vocal ("Sugariness Dee'south Dating a Retarded Person")
- Hoss Bonaventure, a stereotypical rich Texas oilman, first seen when selling gasoline door-to-door ("The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis"), and and so once more on a blind date ("Frank's Pretty Woman")
- Charlie has a nervous breakdown similar to John Nash in A Beautiful Mind and imagines a huge conspiracy is happening around him ("Sweet Dee Has a Eye Attack").
- Charlie believes himself to exist a genius janitor like to Will Hunting from Good Will Hunting ("The Gang Reignites the Rivalry")
- Green Homo, a green screen conform worn by Charlie in America's Adjacent Paddy's Billboard Model Contest and The Gang Gets Invincible
- Charlie takes on the persona of Richard Grieco in Dee Fabricated a Smut Film, dressing as him and replicating how he speaks.
While dressing upward as these individuals, Charlie often loses track of reality and literally adopts their personality and idiosyncrasies. This inability to divide fantasy from reality is a trait shared by his alleged biological begetter Frank, who sometimes tells stories from the movie Rambo as if they happened to him ("Mac and Dennis: Manhunters").
For some reasons, Charlie believes himself to be very well versed in legal ceremony and do. He claims that his specialty is "bird police" and is determined that he be the legal representation for anyone in the Gang who is in a legal jam ("The Gang Exploits the Mortgage Crisis"). This often ways he is faced head-to-caput against The Lawyer.
He as well created the character Greenman and oft dons the costume.
Schemes [ ]
Charlie will sometimes scheme to deceive the entire Gang in order to attain his goals, peculiarly in pursuit of the Waitress.
- Charlie pretended he was dying of cancer in a failed attempted to get the Waitress to sleep with him ("Charlie Has Cancer").
- Charlie tries to manipulate Dennis into sleeping with both Charlie'southward and Mac's mothers in an attempt to get the Waitress to sleep with him out of revenge ("Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom") .
- Charlie pretended to be in honey with another adult female in order to make the Waitress jealous ("Charlie and Dee Find Love").
- Charlie tried tricking Dee, Mac, and Frank out of their shares of the bar, merely was interrupted by Dennis ("Charlie Rules the World").
He enjoys seeing the other members of The Gang embarrassed. In "Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Expressionless", he is eager to have someone read to him from Dee'south heart school diary then he can laugh at her difficulties as a disabled adolescent.
Patriotism [ ]

Charlie's patroitism on display in "Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Donkey"
Charlie is intensely patriotic:
- He is threatened by a N Korean bar, proclaiming it equally "un-American" ("The Gang Solves the Democratic people's republic of korea Situation").
- He helps throw a wrestling show, in lodge to support the troops returning from war ("The Gang Wrestles for the Troops").
- Charlie tries to convey his love for America by protesting ("Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass") .
Faith [ ]
Charlie may or may not be an atheist:
- He argues with Mac nigh religion frequently.
- The idea of a crucifix in the bar made him very aroused/uncomfortable ("Sweet Dee Gets Audited").
- He hated having to go to church and is a believer that organized organized religion is a scam ("Charlie's Mom Has Cancer").
- He pretended to be a priest without guilt, basing most of his sermons on stereotypes ("The Gang Exploits a Miracle").
- Charlie did go to catholic school with Mac and in the same episode asks Mac almost God's opinion on blood tests. ("Charlie Wants An Abortion")
- Charlie'southward opinion of Mac'south credibility diminished when Mac claimed development wasn't real, but after Mac's argument confronting it ("Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense force"), seems to have an cryptic opinion on organized religion, such as assertive in demons ("Psycho Pete Returns"), Hell, and Purgatory ("The Gang Goes to Hell: Part 2").
Early on life [ ]

A young Charlie, in "A Very Sunny Christmas"
Parentage [ ]
Charlie was born on February 9, 1976, to Bonnie Kelly. Charlie'south real father is nearly certainly Frank Reynolds. Frank had a 1 night stand with Charlie's mother 30 years ago ("Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad"). Frank forced Charlie's mom to take an abortion simply it "didn't have" and Charlie was born three months subsequently. Bonnie says she had to keep it a secret from Frank considering he was already married to Barbara Reynolds at the fourth dimension. If Frank had found out he would accept made Bonnie throw him in a dumpster ("The Gang Finds a Dumpster Infant").
When Charlie was a immature boy, his mom would sleep with a diversity of men on Christmas Twenty-four hours. It is strongly implied that she had sexual activity for coin ("A Very Sunny Christmas").
As his mother didn't desire him to go to the toilet lonely when he was a little boy, she dressed him as girl so they could get together to the women's restroom. This is a habit Charlie adopted for decades, claiming he couldn't poop until cross-dresses, though he has decided to give that up. ("The Gang Solves the Bath Trouble")
Other family [ ]
Charlie has at least one younger sister who is mentioned once. Two young girls are at Charlie'south intervention but neither of them speaks or is named. When Charlie mentions his sis to the McPoyles, he states that she was at the intervention they had just left, simply the simply women other than the two girls pictured in the episode appear too old to be Charlie's sister(southward). ("Charlie Got Molested").
Charlie'due south grandmother (Bonnie'southward mother) besides appears at his intervention ("Charlie Got Molested"). She is never seen or heard from again in the series.
It has been repeatedly implied that Charlie was sexually abused equally a child.
- When the McPoyle brothers claimed they were molested by Autobus Murray, he had a foreign reaction. He later on admits he was never molested past Coach Murray to the police.
- Later, Charlie repeatedly wrote music virtually the "Nightman", a spirit-like being who crawled into his room at dark when he was young and takes hold of him with his "stiff hands", and "fills him upwardly". The words Charlie uses to describe his transformation into the Nightman undoubtedly describes a violent rape by a human being.
- Charlie is intensely uncomfortable around his Uncle Jack, who has modest easily, often dodging concrete contact with him. He also reacts negatively to memories of the ii sharing a room when Charlie was a child.
Charlie's onetime sexual abuse is obvious to every character on the testify except Charlie himself. While performing in Charlie's musical, nigh members of the Gang interprets the song as involving the rape of a small boy. Dee objects to singing her Coffee Shop Princess song as being about the molestation of a young boy. Frank interprets the Troll Toll Song as being about wanting "this male child'due south pigsty" instead of "this boy's soul", and Mac interpreted the same song to involve a rape scene, which he and Dennis worked difficult to make "classy" ("The Nightman Cometh").
Information technology is strongly suggested that the Nightman was actually Charlie's Uncle Jack. Further, the troll is well-nigh certainly Charlie's female parent, who was charging Uncle Jack rent to stay in her business firm. Charlie interprets this as Jack paying the "troll cost" ("The Dandy Recession").
When Dennis and Mac openly state Uncle Jack molested Charlie, still, Charlie unworriedly claims that he "dodged" him and maintains he's only always been molested past Dee ("The Gang Misses the Gunkhole", "Time's Up for the Gang"); taken at face value this would confirm that Uncle Jack has certainly attempted to sexually corruption him. This could of course be further levels of denial on Charlie'southward part, or he may be correct in that Uncle Jack never succeeded in his attempts just is unaware that information technology is however sexual assault if at that place was whatsoever physical contact at all.
Schooling [ ]

When Charlie was young, his all-time friend was Mac. Every Christmas, they'd get together and throw rocks at trains. Charlie also began huffing mucilage at a very young age ("A Very Sunny Christmas").
In 8th course, Charlie won a trip the light fantastic competition to "Accept My Jiff Away" past the band Berlin ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off").
Charlie has mixed memories about how others perceived him in high school. At times he is oblivious to the fact that he wasn't considered absurd ("The Waitress Is Getting Married"). Other times he remembers that he was called "Dirtgrub" and he would eat clay and spiders to brand the cool kids laugh to exit him solitary. Even though Dennis and Dee also attended the aforementioned high schoolhouse, they usually did not collaborate with Charlie. Although, Tim Murphy mentioned that Dennis was "never that cool to begin with", and that he would end upwards hanging out with "Clay Grub" and "Ronny the Rat" (Mac) underneath the bleachers ("The High School Reunion"). In high school, Charlie, Mac, and "Psycho Pete' were in a group they chosen "Freight Train" ("The High School Reunion") ("Psycho Pete Returns").
Skills and abilities [ ]
Despite his credible lack of intelligence, Charlie has displayed some unexpected skills and abilities:
- Charlie survived an ballgame. Charlie was aborted by his mother and three months later popped out "happy every bit a mollusk!" ("The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby").
- Charlie'due south musical abilities are deadline professional - see the department below.
- Charlie tin can beverage immense amounts of alcohol. He once drank 70 beers and withal managed to striking a baseball game on a rope to deep left field, equally well as hold a (very slurred) conversation ("The Gang Beats Boggs").
- Charlie has a biggy ability to handle drugs and sedatives. He tin can consume an enormous quantity of sedative-stuffed brownies ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off").
- He enjoys cooking, which he often does on a hotplate in his apartment ("The Gang Goes Jihad").
- He is adept at sewing, which allows him to maintain the few pieces of clothing that he owns ("The Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo").
- Charlie is an acclaimed "great referee" ("Charlie Wants An Abortion") although he shows upwards drunk to referee a children's basketball game team ("The Gang Gives Dorsum").
- He also has a renowned method of cleaning toilets and urinals with his blank easily ("Dennis and Dee Go along Welfare").
- Despite his pocket-sized size Charlie is capable of pulling a choice-up with Mac and Dennis in information technology ("Hundred Dollar Baby").
- He is extremely good at dominoes ("The Gang Gets Racist").
- He can eat an entire unripe pear in 17 seconds of air-time ("The Gang Hits the Route").
- He is apparently single-handedly keeping the bar from failing health inspections ("Charlie Piece of work").
- He can also speak and read fluent Gaelic, which he learned from his penpal Shelly Kelly. ("the Gang'south Still In Republic of ireland")

Kitten Mittens video
Charlie has also directed several video productions:
- A video of Dennis and Mac threatening jihad ("The Gang Goes Jihad")
- A video of Dennis to promote his run for part ("The Gang Runs for Office")
- A video of Sweetness Dee being lit on fire ("Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire")
- A commercial for his production, Kitten Mittens ("Paddy's Pub: Home of the Original Kitten Mittens")
Dennis and Mac frequently dispense Charlie into tests of his fortitude, such every bit hitting him over the caput with beer bottles and chairs, or having him tow Dennis'due south Range Rover through the streets of Philadelphia. They consider Charlie to be almost impossible to injure ("Hundred Dollar Baby").
Charlie has survived Dennis running him over with a automobile ("Charlie Gets Crippled") and shooting him in the head ("Gun Fever"). Mac has as well referred to Charlie as a survivor ("Charlie Rules the Earth").
Charlie is also surprisingly skillful at concocting elaborate plans to achieve his desires ("Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom") . Similarly, he is able to correctly deduce and sympathize schemes that the remainder of the Gang formulated and began without telling him. Simultaneously, he organizes and successfully executes an intricate plan to fraudulently pass a health inspection, all while fixing the mistakes the Gang made with their plot. His success goes entirely unnoticed past the rest of the Gang ("Charlie Work")
He has also intricately memorized and even mapped out the air ducts and vents throughout Paddy'south Pub. It is stated that Charlie sometimes seeks refuge and confinement in that location. It is the simply access to Charlie's "bad room", in which Charlie likes to become to "be alone and break bottles" ("The Gang Gets Held Hostage").
Charlie can agree his breath for over seven minutes, just short of the world record ("Dennis Looks Similar a Registered Sex Offender"). Although he does blurt out a few words during this record attempt, suggesting he's not actually holding his breath properly.
Musical skills [ ]

Charlie writes and performs a song in "Frank Reynolds' Lilliputian Beauties"
Charlie is the nearly skilled musician in the group. He can write original music and sing it. Charlie wrote the music and about of the lyrics to the song Dayman and performed it with Dennis as office of their group, Electric Dream Machine. It is unsaid that Charlie never learned to play the keyboard and his ability to do and then is an entirely natural - he claims that "keyboards just make sense to [him]". ("Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person")
He also wrote an unabridged musical in "The Nightman Cometh", including the following original songs:
- "Tiny Male child, Little Boy, Babe Male child"
- "The Troll Toll"
- "The Dayman"
- "Marry Me"
He also wrote and performed several other songs:
- "The Nightman" ("Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person")
- "I Like Paddy'southward Pub" ("The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Honour")
- "Get Fuck Yourselves" ("The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award")
Likewise writing music, he has also shown other music abilities:
- He has perfect pitch ("Charlie Work").
- He can play piano, harmonica, saxophone ("The Gang Hits the Slopes") and bugle. In several episodes, a guitar can be seen briefly in his flat, hinting that he may also play the guitar. He has even been shown playing the keyboard and harmonica at one time. ("The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award")
Weaknesses [ ]

Charlie lives in poverty, partly caused by a trend to make "bad investments" ("Gun Fever"). At one indicate, Charlie sells a "shit load" of his shares of Paddy'south to Mac for one-half a sandwich. He sells half his shares to Mac ones for "goods and services" and sells the other half to Dennis, and never realizes that he does not own any portion of the bar until others piece information technology together for him. ("The Gang Sells Out")
Charlie has limited personal hygiene, and lives in abject squalor. Mac says that he has never seen Charlie put on deodorant, claims to run across mites crawling all over him, and Charlie admits that he but washes his testicles every Friday ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"). The Waitress also noted one time that Charlie "scent[south] actually bad" ("The Gang Sells Out"). He often smells overwhelmingly of cheese ("The Waitress is Getting Married") ("The Tempest of the Century") ("Charlie Work"), and casually handles horse carrion or chock-full toilets with his bare hands. ("The Gang Gets Whacked (Function 1)") ("The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award") ("Charlie Work"). He intentionally stepped in dog feces once and didn't step out of information technology, hoping that the smell of the feces would linger on him to cover the fact that he allow a skunk spray him, which he did to hide the scent of cigarettes. ("Hero or Hate Crime?") He and Frank both eat cat nutrient on the regular ("Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life") ("Frank Falls Out the Window"), though he was once said to have breath that smells like dog food. ("Charlie Rules the World") Charlie does not own a toothbrush, ("Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person") which allows his teeth to slip out of his mouth with most no resistance. ("Mac and Charlie Die (Function i)"). He and Frank take a penchant for the trash, which began in "The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby". He never seems bothered well-nigh cleaning what he finds - he eats food directly from the garbage ("The Gang Solves the Due north Korea Situation"), wears clothes right after finding them, and keeps much of the trash directly on his bed. He uses the trash lying around his apartment to stop bleeding wounds. ("Mac and Dennis Break Up")
Charlie often exhibits difficulty reading and writing, and is frequently defendant of being illiterate and "retarded" past other characters. Mac even went as far as challenge "No ane understands the subtleties of Charlie's retardation meliorate than me." Dennis suspects that Charlie might be dyslexic, considering the scripts he writes often take words in an incomprehensible order ("The Gang Runs for Office"). Charlie misread a contract that resulted in his putting the bar at adventure of being lost in a contest ("The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"). He was unable to write clear lyrics for his musical and needed help from Artemis ("The Nightman Cometh"). His writing is often shown as being unreadable to the residuum of the gang due to it being composed of small pictures, symbols, and written in various color of crayons ("Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats"). Though he can non read English words, he tin can read Gaeilge ("The Gang Goes To Ireland").
Charlie has an unhealthy obsession with The Waitress, and will practice anything for even the slightest chance he might win her over. To this end, he has thrown abroad perfectly skilful relationships ("Charlie and Dee Discover Dear"), kowtowed to doing all the Charlie Work on the threat Dennis volition sleep with her ("Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom") , and picked a fight with a guy whom he believed to be dating her ("Who Got Dee Pregnant?")
Charlie is sometimes unable to comprehend what people are talking nearly ("The Gang Recycles Their Trash"), and he has a poor grasp of history and current events. He mentions that Israel is in a tough situation because of "that whole tsunami" and the "superdome thing" ("The Gang Goes Jihad") .
He also is shown being unable to understand the basic concept of electrocution. He has been shocked over 500 times trying to fix the circuit breaker in the bar, and still hadn't picked up on what was happening, according to Dennis ("The Gang Gets Whacked (Office ane)"). He too shocked himself repeatedly trying to become a piece of cheese, constantly brushing it off ("Flowers for Charlie").
Like Dee, he suffers from stage fright and becomes nauseated when performing in front of live audiences ("Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life"). He's afraid that people will boo him or hate him, and that'south why he's never pursued his dreams ("Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person") . Despite these fears, yet, he was able to perform in his ain musical and propose to the Waitress in front of an audience ("The Nightman Cometh").
Charlie frequently abuses inhalants such as glue, spray paint, and bathroom cleaners, and poppers ("Underage Drinking: A National Concern") ("Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad") ("The High School Reunion") ("Mac and Charlie Die (Function i)") He shows complete condone for laws at all times. (List of crimes committed by the gang)
After blowing up the building side by side door to the bar, Charlie is ordered by the court to go to Alcoholics Bearding; this is due to his telling the approximate that he was drunk, which was true only he only disclosed in the hope that information technology would get him off the hook. When arriving for his get-go meeting, Charlie enters drinking a beer. Afterward the Waitress stops existence his sponsor, Charlie responds past getting extremely drunkard before refereeing a children's basketball game ("The Gang Gives Back").
Charlie has displayed a strong feet almost leaving Philadelphia, which has lessened over the course of the season. In the beginning attempt nosotros see him make to leave Philadelphia, in the episode "The Gang Hits the Road", his sense of panic near leaving Philadelphia leads to Dee'southward car being stolen. The places Charlie has been to at present include (chronologically):
- Atlantic City in "The Gang Gets Stranded in the Forest". Charlie is unconscious and put in the trunk of a car till they go to the titular woods, but manages to make information technology the balance of the way to Atlantic Metropolis awake (on a truck).
- Bailiwick of jersey Shore in "The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore". Charlie was rendered unconscious by Mac. He woke up half fashion there, upon which Mac put him out again. Charlie has no recollection of waking up in the center.
- "Somewhere outside of Philadelphia", though presumably nearby, in "The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding ceremony Massacre". He makes information technology clear he is not happy about it.
- Los Angeles in "The Gang Beats Boggs", where he seems to have no trouble getting on a aeroplane, though he has already drunkard at that betoken.
- An "Unknown" waterbody in "The Gang Goes to Hell" and "Role Two". Though the location is not mentioned, it is implied that the cruise the gang goes on in is not in Philadelphia - Charlie says "I knew I shouldn't have come on this cruise ... I mean, it used to be I would never even leave Philly!". As well, there is no waterbody in Philadephia that resembles what is shown; Dennis besides mentions the cruise ship'due south intended destination is the Bahamas.
- The Poconos in "The Gang Hits the Slopes". He remarks, every bit he stands atop a very difficult ski run holding beer bottles in place of ski poles, that this is why he hates to leave Philadelphia, but he plainly travelled with the rest of The Gang willingly.

In add-on, Charlie has driveling or been fond to:
- Anabolic steroids ("Hundred Dollar Babe")
- Copious amounts of alcohol ("The Gang Gives Dorsum")
- LSD, although only because Frank drugged him ("The Gang Gets Invincible")
- Glue ("Underage Drinking: A National Concern") ("Dennis and Dee Go a New Dad")
- Poppers ("Mac and Charlie Die (Function 1)")
- Cocaine ("The Gang Gets Whacked (Part 1)")
- Spray paint ("Sweetness Dee's Dating a Retarded Person")
- Turpentine, according to Mac's confession ("How Mac Got Fat")
- Ketamine ("Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer")
- Weed ("The Gang Writes A Self Help Volume")
Relationships [ ]
- See also: Charlie and Dee, Charlie and Frank, Charlie and Dennis, Charlie and Mac, Charlie and the Waitress
Romantic [ ]

Charlie breaking into the Waitress' apartment in "The D.E.N.Northward.I.S. System"
Charlie has had little success in dating, and spends much of his spare time stalking the Waitress. He has even hired a spy to picket the Waitress ("Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life"). He goes to neat lengths to win her over, in spite of her declarations that she will never be interested in him, and even her 50 foot restraining order ("Charlie and Dee Find Love").
Charlie seems to believe that the human relationship he has with The Waitress is normal and is the manner that a relationship is supposed to go. When he tells Scarlet Taft that he was just using her to make The Waitress jealous, he says, after noting she banged him "almost instantly", that "a quality woman doesn't do that; she doesn't say 'yes' right away; she says 'no' to a man, for years, like ten years" ("Charlie and Dee Observe Dearest"). However, the Waitress herself could barely exist referred as "quality woman" this mode, given how she banged Dennis so quickly ("Charlie Has Cancer").
Charlie finally, afterwards what Dee refers to as xv years, gets some attention from the Waitress afterward he convinces her that he'due south the person she could have the babe she's always wanted with, and the two sleep together. Soon later on, yet, Charlie gets common cold feet and leaves the Waitress at his flat when she starts expressing concerns with their living conditions, saying that it'south one thing to trap someone with a baby, and another thing to Get trapped by the baby. After getting numerous phone calls from the Waitress, he decides he should ghost her. ("Dennis' Double Life")
Bangs [ ]

Charlie presumably lost his virginity to Stacy Corvelli in high schoolhouse. She shows up a decade or so later and tricks him into thinking he fathered her son, Tommy. Tommy is actually the son of another high school classmate, Jimmy Doyle ("Charlie Wants an Ballgame"). A deleted scene in the Season 5 DVD hints that Stacy is the only woman he has e'er slept with until that betoken, and that information technology may have been a traumatic experience for him.
Until Flavour Viii, Charlie was the only member of The Gang who had not had sex during the present fourth dimension of the series. His relationship with Ruby Taft bankrupt this "tape" ("Charlie and Dee Detect Dear").
Charlie bangs a Bulgarian "model" named Tatiana while on a ski trip, simply it later on turns out she was a prostitute hired by Frank. ("The Gang Hits the Slopes")
Charlie is raped by Dee, despite the latter'southward belief that it is consensual. (The Gang Misses the Boat) (Time's Upwardly for the Gang)
Charlie finally convinces the Waitress to have sex with him, by telling her they could take a infant together, something she's e'er wanted. ("Dennis' Double Life")
Charlie participates in a three way/orgy consisting of himself, Mac, Frank, and a sex doll that looked like Dennis ("The Gang Makes Paddy's Nifty Again").
In Flavour 14, Frank and Charlie sleep with two European backpackers that supplant their Austrian Air bnb renters, Alexi and Nikki [1]
He has come close to banging several women:

Charlie and Janelle
- Janelle Jenkins — He dated Janelle to bear witness to The Waitress that he was not a racist, and Janelle was legitimately interested in him ("The Gang Gets Racist").
- The Waitress — Mac and Dennis paid her to slumber with Charlie, just he didn't brand a move on her ("Charlie Has Cancer"). Later on, he wasn't quick plenty to say a word to her when she claimed "I'm gonna blindside the next person who talks to me" before Schmitty popped in ("The Loftier School Reunion, Part two: The Gang'due south Revenge") .
- Prostitutes — it was non shown whether or non Charlie banged one or more prostitutes when partying with Frank's coin. Mac affirmed that " accept already been rendered" ("Dennis and Dee Continue Welfare").
- Dominicus-Li — Sun-Li followed him dwelling and moved into his apartment, but he didn't even kiss her, though they were briefly engaged. Charlie afterwards discovered that she was only 12 years old ("The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation").
- Painted girls at fraternity — two girls painted Charlie and Mac, and were going to permit them render the favor before showering together to wash the pigment off (presumably leading to sex). But before Charlie and Mac could pigment them back, the heads of the fraternity kicked them out ("The Gang Reignites the Rivalry").
Self-love [ ]
Charlie has been caught masturbating by several members of the gang. Dee caught him masturbating to Dennis's cartoon drawings of large breasted women ("The Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo"). She also accused him of stealing Dennis'south erotic memoir in society to masturbate to its pictures, since he couldn't read the text ("Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life"). Frank besides mentioned that he likes to hide inside of the apartment couch in order to take hold of Charlie "pounding off" ("A Very Sunny Christmas"). When Charlie reveals to Frank that he awoke to him doing some "pretty frantic enquiry of [his] own" i dark, Frank countered by saying that the two could go "tit-for-tat on that 1" ("Mac Is a Serial Killer").
Legal [ ]
Charlie and Frank get married and then Charlie tin can benefit from Frank's medical insurance and so Frank can remainder secure that Charlie would not pull the plug if Frank fell into a blackout ("Mac Fights Gay Spousal relationship").
Appearances [ ]
Episodes | 1 | two | 3 | 4 | 5 | half dozen | 7 | 8 | ix | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Season ane | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||||||||
Season 2 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Season 3 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Season 4 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Flavor five | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Season 6 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||
Flavor vii | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Season 8 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Season ix | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Season 10 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Season 11 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Flavor 12 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Flavor 13 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | |||||
Season 14 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Trivia [ ]
- Charlie Day and Mary Elizabeth Ellis (The Waitress) are actually married in real life.
- Charlie has a dislike for lizards (The Gang Gets Invincible) and people's knees ("The Waitress Is Getting Married").
- Charlie's favorite food is "milk steak", his favorite hobby is "magnets", and he really likes ghouls. "You know, funny niggling green ghouls" ("The Waitress is Getting Married").
- Charlie has an unhealthy love for cheese, especially in stressful situations; however, when he is presented with cottage cheese he has no idea what it is and calls it an "enticing bowl of white." (The Gang Goes On Family Fight[2])
- Charlie claims he has never eaten blueberries or strawberries before, and had never had a pear until "The Gang Hits the Road". He has, however, eaten both raccoon and monkey meat (Mac & Dennis: Manhunters).
- Charlie is five'5.25" (165.7 cm).
- Charlie had never left Philly before "The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods". He goes on to leave Philly multiple times thereafter, as seen in "The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore", "The Gang Beats Boggs", and "The Gang Goes to Hell" (parts ane & two), even traveling equally far equally Ireland in Flavor 15.
- Charlie eats cat food in lodge to pass out and sleep through the noise of fifty cats howling outside his window every dark ("Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life").
- Charlie doesn't own a toothbrush ("Sweetness Dee's Dating a Retarded Person") .
- This is also peradventure why Charlie's teeth come out so easily when pulling on them, due to the fact that he never brushes his teeth. ("Mac and Charlie Die (Part 1)")
- Charlie did not believe that jockeys were real and, after finding out that they are existent, he is astonished that they can speak ("The Gang Gets Whacked (Part 1)").
- Charlie'southward name has been used in the titles of multiple different episodes.
- Season 1: "Charlie Wants An Abortion", "Charlie Has Cancer", "Charlie Got Molested"
- Flavor Ii: "Charlie Gets Crippled", "Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass"
- Flavour 4: "Mac and Charlie Die (Role 1)", "Mac and Charlie Die (Office ii)"
- Season V: "Mac and Charlie Write a Movie"
- Season Six: "Mac and Charlie: White Trash", "Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats"
- Season Seven: "Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games"
- Flavor Eight: "Charlie and Dee Find Love", "Charlie's Mom Has Cancer", "Charlie Rules the World"
- Flavour Nine : "Flowers for Charlie"
- Season Ten : "Charlie Work", Donkey Kickers United: Mac and Charlie Join A Cult"
- Season 11: "Chardee MacDennis ii: Electric Boogaloo", "Charlie Catches a Leprechaun"
- Flavor Thirteen: "Charlie's Home Alone"
- It's believed that Charlie's play "The Nightman Cometh" is to exist a reflection of his childhood, given that near parts of the play are very similar to his past.
- Charlie was believed to sexually abused past his uncle, and the play features a believed rape scene.
- Charlie'southward mother was believed to be a prostitute, and the play features a troll who is misheard by the audience to exist prostituting the protagonist to the Nightman.
- Charlie's original motive was to seduce the Waitress with the play; and in the play, information technology features a love scene with a princess seemingly modelled subsequently her. Indicating a Madonna-Whore complex.
- Charlie's mother rented Charlie'south room to his uncle similar to the "troll'due south toll".
- The simply thing that isn't part of Charlie's history is the fight between the Day Man and the Night Human being, so this can be interpreted every bit Charlie's desire to defend himself or to get revenge on his uncle. The just contributing testify to this is Charlie'southward physical discomfort around his uncle and his apparent Stockholm syndrome.
- Further interpretations by fans accept suggested that the reason Charlie wanted Mac to play Day Man is because he was at that place for Charlie during his childhood while Dennis has both slept with the Waitress and displays sexual deviance, something Charlie assembly with the Night Man.
- The song also displays Charlie'south lack of comprehension towards the attack every bit it goes into detail about how his uncle raped him. He also shows signs of Stockholm Syndrome towards his uncle due to his lack of understanding.
- Many fans have speculated that Charlie is sex-repulsed and/or asexual (or on the asexual spectrum), and that he may have serious commitment problems, for several reasons.
- In this deleted scene from "Mac and Charlie Write a Movie", Charlie states that he finds sex weird and that the last and only time he had sex activity (up until this episode) he institute it gross. Given this information and that he was about 35 years former when the episode was aired, this means that he was chaste for approximately 17 years.
- His full general lack of sex and dating in the course of the series.
- The only times he has had sex during the series (and his life, according to the deleted scene) were with Stacy Corvelli, during high schoolhouse (which he chosen gross in the deleted scene); with Ruby Taft — whom he was using to get to The Waitress and mocked for wanting to accept sexual activity with him too presently ("Charlie and Dee Notice Love"); with Dee (who raped him) ("The Gang Misses the Gunkhole"); a prostitute hired by Frank in "The Gang Hits The Slopes"; and The Waitress — with whom he was obsessed and was shown to desire to start a family and have babies — in "The Gang saves the 24-hour interval", though he immediately loses interest after having sexual practice with her in "Dennis' Double Life".
- The but actual romantic interests he had during the serial were The Waitress, with whom he was unhealthily obsessed, and mayhap Sun-Li (as they were engaged simply never kissed or slept together).
- He tells Dennis that he finds kissing people gross in "The Gang Solves the North Korea State of affairs".
- He is driven to tears when Artemis makes out with him to make Frank jealous, and says he hates how "sexy" he and his costume are in "Who Got Dee Pregnant?"
- In Charlie's dream about his idealized time to come with The Waitress, as shown in "The Gang Saves the Twenty-four hours," he wants to have children with her, just gets them from the "baby store".
- Fifty-fifty if he doesn't fully empathize or remember it, he is nevertheless clearly disturbed by the sexual assault he suffered by his uncle. This could realistically lead to an disfavor to sex.
- A major element of Charlie's graphic symbol is his poverty, shown oft through his extremely limited wardrobe. Example in point: out of 162 episodes, he wears his dark-green regular army jacket in 65 of them, his track jacket in 32, and his McGregor hoodie in 27.
- His Vans loftier-tops, meanwhile, seem to be his only shoes, appearing at to the lowest degree in one case in every unmarried episode with the exceptions of "The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods"(where he wears dress shoes only), "The Gang Goes to Hell: Part Two"(where he only wears his Gilligan costume and a robe),"The Gang Goes to a Water Park" (where he is in a swimsuit all twenty-four hours), "The Janitor Always Mops Twice" (where he is dressed equally a film noir detective with dress shoes) and "Waiting for Big Mo" (where he merely wears his barefoot glove-shoes).
- Charlie has perfect pitch: he identifies the note on the carbon monoxide detector as a Thousand# without any reference pitch (shown in the episode "Charlie Work").
- Charlie is right-handed.
- Charlie has been known to drink and eat unusual things, for example, Charlie enjoys drinking paint, which has resulted in him seeing hallucinations such equally a leprechaun flying abroad on a rainbow ("Charlie Catches a Leprechaun"). He likewise eats stickers ("The Gang Hits the Road"), wants to eat an eraser ("The Gang Gets a New Fellow member") and eats chalk because he claims that it settles his breadbasket ("Dee Fabricated a Smut Picture"). He also sometimes chews and swallows boisterous balls to "test" if they're edible, which Dennis says is simply eating them regardless ("Waiting for Big Mo")
- Charlie's favorite board game is "Hungry Hungry Hippos" ("Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games).
- Charlie considers violent movies to be the all-time movies ("Gun Fever Too: Nevertheless Hot").
- Charlie's near cherished possession in his apartment is his hot plate ("Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender").
- Charlie has had a sexual encounter with every fellow member of the Gang every bit of Season 14:
- Dee and Charlie make out and take sexual activity (nonconsensually, in Charlie'due south instance) in "The Gang Misses the Boat".
- Charlie, Frank, and Mac participate in a 3 way/orgy with a Dennis sex doll (while Dee watches) in "The Gang Makes Paddy'due south Great Again".
- Dennis and Charlie are forced to kiss similar "...two souls desperate to gustation the juices of passion." ("Dee Twenty-four hour period")
Images [ ]
- See likewise: Category:Images of Charlie Kelly
Run across Also [ ]
- Charlie'southward illiteracy
- Charlie Work
- Charlie's apartment
- Charlie's characters
- Charlie's Nutrition
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